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McCloy, Finley & Richards

3 Firemen on Mt Kilimanjaro

“I entered a contest with Coors Carling Beer as to where I would like to drink a pint of Carling Beer. I won and was allowed to take a couple of fellow firemen with me on the expedition to Mt Kilimanjaro. We contacted your company about Altitude RX (high altitude supplement). You recommend two other supplements EPO-Boost (to get more oxygen to our muscles) and Trifuel (to provide the extra energy, mental focus and muscle recovery) for our trip. We want to thank-you for providing those products to us. Glen McCloy

We have done some training on the mountains in the UK and have stepped up our fitness plans at work I’m sure/hope we will be ok. I have been taking Epo-boost now for 5 weeks, I have noticed that when running or cycling I am not as out of breath. I took a vo2 max test last week and my vo2 max has also increased since the last time I was tested. My colleagues and I are fascinated by your products and are amazed at how they work and what goes into making them.” - Glen McCloy.

“Just to say thank you for supplying us with your products all I can say is wow, We felt like the bionic man. We managed to get to the top without any problems"

On day 4 one of our porters started to feel bad I told our head guide to give him a litre of Trifuel. Half an hour later he looked like a new man. Our head guide was amazed at this so he came to see us as he couldn’t understand why we had not had any problems and had set such a good pace, we then shown him the products you gave us and we offered him some TriFuel for his bottle the next day.

The day after Charles our head guide and Damas our assistant guide both came to the tent asking if they could have some more, they were amazed and now knew why we were going at such a good pace.On summit night our guide said because we had set such a good pace we would set off at 0100hrs, this was slightly worrying as we noticed groups setting off as early as 1000hrs.Anyway we had breakfast at 1230hrs where Charles said with our pace he expected us to overtake at least 4 groups, we in fact went past 5 groups and at one point started to run in order to get past a group before a slight scramble. On one of the days we were walking we had noticed it was getting a bit steep, we stopped for a rest and drank a litre of TriFuel each. We then continued to walk and after about 10 minutes we just looked at each other and laughed I said to John and Steve do you feel ok they both replied “Yes,we feel amazing it must be the TriFuel”, you can actually feel it work it makes so much difference.

Anyway as promised I have attached some pictures of us at the top with all 3 of your flags and as I said we will do anything you like for advertising for you as you were good enough to give us the products. Also you were mentioned in three UK news papers one was the Sunday Sun one of the biggest in the UK.

Hope to hear from you soon and a massive thank you to you and all your staff good luck for the future.”

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