Boost V02 Max in Long-Distance Swimming

by Debbi Carroll November 11, 2020 1 min read

Boost V02 Max in Long-Distance Swimming

Some sports require only short bursts of speed or strength but relatively little cardiovascular endurance. Long-distance swimming is not among those sports.

Competitive distance swimmers need strength; but more than that, they need endurance. Without it, there is no chance of becoming an elite athlete.

Swimmers and other athletes can enhance endurance by developing a high VO2 max. VO2 max is your maximum oxygen uptake capacity. With increased VO2 max, more oxygen is absorbed into the blood and the swimmer gains extra stamina for long races.

A test for VO2 max measures the physical fitness of an athlete. A high level of VO2 max indicates a high level of fitness. It makes sense that a high level of fitness means improved endurance and better overall performance.

Swimmers can increase VO2 max through regular, strenuous workouts, which increase cardiovascular performance. The extra oxygen in the blood allows the provides good swimming economy.

Like adding increased miles per gallon to the engine of a car, VO2 max increases the distance a swimmer can go without tiring. Top endurance athletes all have higher than average VO2 max levels.

The active ingredients in EPO-Boost performance and endurance supplement have been shown to increase VO2 max in athletes over a four-week period.1

Incorporate EPO-Boost into your training regimen and supercharge your VO2 max to get that competitive edge now!

1Whitehead, M. T., (2006). The effect of four weeks of oral Echinacea supplementation on erythropoietin and indices of erythropoietic status. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 38(5), Supplement abstract 2256.

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